Dr. Patrizia Tempia
Valenta graduated in Clinical Psychology at the University of Turin
and specialised in Clinical Psychology at Medical School. Currently she
holds the position of Director of Psychological Services at
the hospital of Biella (ASLBi). In 2007 she founded the Association
of Volunteers “Emanuele Lomonaco- Far Pensare†and organized a
literary contest “Storie di Guarigione†(Recovery storiesâ€) on
psychiatric disease, and “Contaci†a convention on Oncology and
correct lifestyle.
She promoted a series of plays with some artists,
musicians, photographers and theatre-plays on health-care
subjects. She was a teacher in several Masters in Psycho-oncology,
End-life e Palliative care, and in Life-style coaching at the University
of Turin and Novara. She is the author of many articles and books
about Psycho-oncology, Chronicle diseases and Narrative Medicine. In particular she is co-author of “Le
emozioni dei malati e dei curanti†Centro Scientifico ed. 2004;
chapter “Le malattie neoplastiche e le malattie croniche ad alto impatto
emotivo: La presa in carico globale†with G Ferrrandez in Psicologia
e Medicina: vantaggi e prospettive- F Angeli ed
2015; she edited “Storie di Guarigione†Eventi Progetti ed.
2015; “Storie di Guarigione, dalla malattia psichiatrica grave: Una
esperienza collaudata nell’ambito della medicina narrativa†in Pensieri
Circolari, Narrazione, Formazione e Cura – Pensamultimedia ed. 2015;
“La Psiconcologia in Musicoterapia e Oncologia†F Angeli 2015.
December 02, 2022
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