
Jyotirmay Bharti

Jyotirmay Bharti

Skin Radiance Clinic of Dermatology & Cosmetology, Gurgaon, India

Polydioxanone(PDO) threads has become an emerging trend for facial rejuvenation. The entire basis of the thread lift technique is the foreign body cutaneous response to the presence of threads within the skin. Androgenetic alopecia may result in disturbed self perception and psychosocial interaction. Various treatment modalities like oral finasteride, topical minoxidil and platelet rich plasma have been tried with good therapeutic benefit. Herein we determine the efficacy & safety of polydioxanone threads in five patients suffering from hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia and not responding to 6 months therapy with minoxidil and finasteride.

Materials and methods: Five patients suffering from hair loss due to androgenetic alopecia and not responding to 6 months treatment with minoxidil and finasteride were included in this study. Polydioxanone threads were introduced in dermal layer at first visit. The outcome was assessed after 1 and 2  months by clinical examination, macroscopic photos, hair pull test and patient's overall satisfaction.

Results: PDO threads led to a good clinical result. A significant reduction in hair loss was observed between first and second month after thread insertion. Hair count increased from average number of 65 hair follicular units to 93 hair follicular units. Therefore, average mean gain is 28 follicular units per cm2.  After first month of treatment, the pull test was negative in all patients.
Conclusion:  PDO threads for androgenetic alopecia is the simple, feasible treatment option for hair loss and can be regarded as the valuable adjuvant treatment modality. Thus, further studies are needed with longer follow up with large sample size