
Dr. Arthur B. Ritter

Dr. Arthur B. Ritter

Director of the Warren Wells, BioRobotics Lab, USA

Professor of Biomedical Engineering.His background in engineering R&D at The US Navy Propellant Plant and United Aircraft-UTC Division (Solid Rocket Propellants), The Dupont Co. (Photo Products), and Mixing Equipment Co (Design and scale-up). Co-PI of a DOE Grant on Solar-Hydrogen Energy Generation and Storage.
At New Jersey Medical School (NJMS). His research at the Departments of Medicine and Physiology was in-vivo microcirculatory physiology in heart and lung and funded by NSF, NIH, and AHA.
Founding director of the Stevens BME program (ABET accredited in 2009, 2016), Director of Warren Wells'42 Bio-Robotics Lab. 
Mentor to 14 PhD students and 45 Masters students, Co-author of over 80 publications in peer reviewed journals and numerous abstracts and presentations. Primary author of a textbook in BME (2nd Ed., 2011). 

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