
Birsen Yurugen

Birsen Yurugen

Okan University of Health Sciences, Turkey

She is a professor of Lecturer on Medical Nursing at the Okan University School of Health Sciences Faculty chair of the Nursing Department. She received her Doctorate degree of medical sciences from the University of Istanbul in medicine department in Turkey and license degree in nursing science from the same University Florence Nightingale Nursing Faculty. Receny until 1992 she was a lecturer in Florence Nightigale Nursing Faculty on medicine nursing and expertise in nursing education and curriculum development. Most important interest in nephrology nursing. She founder and president (TNDTNA)Turkish Nephrology Dialysis and Transplant Nurses Association, a member of more than 18 years EDTNA (European Dialysis Transplatation Nursing Association) founder in many tasks and also she is as a research assistant in DOOPS study for Turkey. She has published many articles, book chapters translated and master's and doctoral theses are consulting on Medical Nursing.
Research Interest:
Nephrology nursing